Moringin Pretreatment Inhibits the Expression of Genes Involved in Mitophagy in the Stem Cell of the Human Periodontal Ligament
Chiricosta, L.; Gugliandolo, A.; Diomede, F.; Pizzicannella, J.; Trubiani, O.; Iori, R.;
Tardiolo, G.; Guarnieri, S.; Bramanti, P.;Mazzon, E.;

3D Printing PLA/Gingival Stem Cells/ EVs Upregulate miR-2861 and -210 during Osteoangiogenesis Commitment
Pizzicannella, J.; Diomede, F.; Gugliandolo, A.; Chiricosta, L.; Bramanti, P.;
Merciaro, I.; Orsini, T.; Mazzon, E.; Trubiani, O.

Performance of computational methods for the evaluation of Pericentriolar Material 1 missense variants in CAGI-5
Monzon, A.M.; Carraro, M.; Chiricosta, L.; Reggiani, F.; Han, J.; Ozturk, K.; Wang, Y.;
Miller, M.; Bromberg, Y.; Capriotti, E.; Savojardo, C.; Babbi, G.; Martelli, PL.; Casadio, R.;
Katsonis, P.; Lichtarge, O.; Carter, H.; Kousi, M.; Katsanis, N.; Andreoletti, G.; Moult, J.;
Brenner, S.E.; Ferrari, C.; Leonardi, E.; Tosatto, S.C.E.

Assessment of patient clinical descriptions and pathogenic variants from gene panel sequences in the CAGI-5 intellectual disability challenge
Carraro, M.; Monzon, A.M.; Chiricosta, L.; Reggiani, F.; Aspromonte, M.C.; Bellini, M.;
Pagel, K.; Jiang, Y.; Radivojac, P.; Kundu, K.; Pal, L.R.; Yin, Y.; Limongelli, I.; Andreoletti, G.;
Moult, J.; Wilson, S.J.; Katsonis, P.; Lichtarge, O.; Chen, J.; Wang, Y.; Hu, Z.; Brenner, S.E.;

Transcriptomic Analysis of MAPK Signaling in NSC-34 Motor Neurons Treated with Vitamin E
Chiricosta, L.; Gugliandolo, A.; Tardiolo, G.; Bramanti, P.; Mazzon, E.

Physiological Expression of Ion Channel Receptors in Human Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells
Chiricosta, L.; Diomede, F.; Trubiani, O.; Bramanti, P.; Mazzon, E.